Stabilność władzy w Polsce [video]

Po wyborach samorządowych w Polsce skomentowałem sytuację polityczną w kraju dla TVP World (10 min video tutaj.) Materiał prasowy poniżej:

“Two big players took almost two-thirds of almost all support possibly gained in this election, and the smaller parties took six or seven percent, so we have a domination of two big political parties in Poland,” said Tomasz Pawłuszko, a political scientist from the University of Opole in an interview with TVP World on the local election results in Poland. 

Pawłuszko pointed out that every party said that it was a victory, “but in fact, due to the mobilization of voters… the situation remains stable.” He added that there is a “stalemate” on the Polish political scene. He further mentioned that compared to the last local elections, the support for the major political parties remains the same. 

The political scientist also noted that the smaller political parties like the New Left and Confederation don't get as many votes in the local elections because “they don’t really have specific and broad political structures in the Polish interior.”

Source: TVP World
